GDPR compliance and Scattershot clients

If you’re not sure what GDPR is I found the video above to be a good overview. You can go a little more in-depth with this article here, which also links out to other resources. The purpose of this post is to explain how I’ll be implementing GDPR compliance into this and future websites, as

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Redesigning my workflow timeline (stage #3)

Missed the first post on my workflow timeline? You can find it here. Missed the second? Head this way instead. Stage #3: Training and launch We’re in the home straight now. It’s been a bit of a journey. Thanks for sticking with me this far. If you’ve just found this and are determined not to

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Redesigning my workflow timeline (stage #2)

Missed the first post on my workflow timeline? You can find it here. Stage #2: Development and build You might have noticed last time that I didn’t include anything about setting a launch date or exchanging contracts in that new design of the first stage. Well we’re going to cover that stuff now. Before we

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Redesigning my workflow timeline (stage #1)

A while back I drew up a thing I called a workflow timeline (pictured right) – basically an outline of the steps I follow when putting a website together for a client. I wanted to make it simple and colourful – something that I could share with the client, that we could both scribble dates on,

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Four reasons to pick me for your web hosting

After recently getting inundated with literally one email asking “Why wouldn’t I just stick with getting my web hosting from a ‘big’ company?” it seemed worthwhile that I provide an easy reference listicle for those similarly curious. Read on, George – this is for you. 1. One-to-one personal support Here’s something you just don’t get from

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Addressing the issue: business email

Catching the eye My partner (soon to be wife) and I have a bit of a thing about noticing an unfortunate trend on sign-written cars, vans, and elsewhere. Perhaps you’ve noticed it too. It’s when a business (usually, but not always, sole traders like myself) has a website, and proudly displays the domain name –

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Brand New Forest: Hosting Offer

Just a quick note I’m offering £5 off your first year on my personal or small business website hosting package if you’re a Brand New Forest cardholder. This brings down the cost of the first year to £40, making an already competitive offer essentially a no-brainer. You can read up a little about my website

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Secure websites for Scattershot clients

To the point: I’m going to be rolling out SSL/TLS to all my client websites that were built by and are currently hosted with me. I expect this process to be completed by the beginning of the New Year. Clients that are hosting their websites with other providers, or who have built their own websites

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