Working with the web means keeping a varied skill set. As such, I’m able to offer assistance with things like graphic design, digital photography and image editing. Or, if you need some tech training, problem solving, or consultation services – I can help there too.
I’m also available for freelance copywriting and blogging work, plus copy editing and proofreading. I’ll even do public speaking on a variety of topics – some tech-related, some not so much.
People sometimes mistake all this as some kind of brag. It’s not, I’m just a chap trying to make a living and find his way in the world. The fact is I just enjoy doing a lot of different things, and I try only to do things I enjoy a lot.
By default, I charge these kinds of professional services at my standard hourly rate: £20 per hour.
Fixed price, flat rates may be negotiable on request – and are usually standard for creative writing or public speaking services.